Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Two Retro Reviews

I normally would not announce reviews of old movies that I've written. Today, though, is an exception just because the two retrospective reviews I've done tonight were of good films. :-)

Fargo (1996)

Contact (1997)


David Swindle said...

Anthony you can announce whenever you write a new review of anything or have any kind of movie related thought or question. Don't worry about if something is blog-worthy or not. (Just don't be advertising your aunt's used car lot or something, not that you would.)

Question 1: just 8 out of 10 for "Fargo"? Did you have some issues with the film? I didn't see any criticisms in your review.

Question 2: I noticed with "Contact " you also gave it an 8 out of 10 but didn't really say what kept it from attaining a 9/10 or a 10/10. Any thoughts?

Anthony said...

There are times when, for a positive film review, I do present the minor bad things alongside the major good things. Other times, like with the movie Fargo, I just didn't feel the need to, because it's one of those films where it's not flawed, but the emotional boost from the film only went so high. The positive comments plus the 8/10 simply mean the movie is good and feels good to that degree. It doesn't necessarily mean it has flaws. Same goes for the movie Contact.

With every movie I watch, I imagine a balance that tilts to one side or the other depending on what good things and bad things I notice about the film. For a film to get an 8/10, it can take several paths. It could be so promising for a 10/10 but some major flaws deduct the rating by 2 by the end of the movie. Or it starts out OK but gets better and better so that, overall and taking everything into account, it's an 8/10. Or it just be as good as 8/10 from the start and stay there all the way through the film. So the rating could be positive minus negative or just positive minus zero.

It's a good question, though. :-)

David Swindle said...

I think I see what you're saying. There are great films out there without significant problems that aren't exactly "perfect." I tend to make this distinction in my letter grade system with the use of the A+ to signify great films that are just phenomenal. So would you say that for you "Fargo" and "Contact" would be As but not A+s?

And I'm just curious, but how many times have you seen "Fargo"? It took a few watchings for it to climb into its position in my top 10: http://relinquishingjunk.com/films_i_love.htm

"Contact," on the other hand, would probably just get an A if I reviewed it. It's great but not an A+ for me.

Anthony said...

It's not because the film has flaws. It's simply because how good it is went up that high. Just not as high as films that I've rated 10.