It is here and just as lovely as I had hoped. Penelope Cruz deserves an Oscar nomination! Check out Black Sheep's VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA review.
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So why a B+ instead of an A?
In you review you didn't seem to point out what it was that made it a good film instead of a great film.
One of the qualifiers I often use in separating the A's from the B's is the decision to see the film again or buy it. Generally if I know that I'll probably buy the movie on DVD or WOULD buy it then I'll justify an A. If I'm glad I saw it and liked it but don't feel a need to see it again then it's probably a B.
With Vicky Cristina I decided that this is a film I'm probably going to watch a few more times. It'll be a DVD purchase.
I would have to agree that I will definitely see it again and buy it as well but I'm not so picky with what I buy ... much to the dismay of my bank account. Why a B instead of an A? For me, an A means excellent. A B+ is very good. You're right, my review does not necessarily point out why I wouldn't go the distance with the grade. I wasn't always in love with the narration and I felt the ending to be rushed. I also felt that there were too many characters in the end as well. Essentially, it was very strong but not amazing to me. I'm hard to please. Now, ANNIE HALL, that's an A-grade film. I also gave MATCH POINT an A.
I can respect a B+ as a grade for "Vicky Cristina." Many of my A's come out of a real deep appreciation for a film's thematic content. And I think that's where "Vicky Cristina" really excelled.
The challenge that the film gives to everyone dealing with the problem of long-term relationships was very compelling. A week before I saw the film my Mom called me to tell me that she and my Dad had seen it and were eager to hear what I thought -- that the ideas really stuck with her. The film has to really stick at someone who's been married for 25 years (My Mom) and someone who's getting married in 9 months (me.)
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