Saturday, August 2, 2008

David Swindle's Cinema Diary Volume 1

Hey everyone, I told you I was working on something big film criticism-wise. Here's a link to the first volume of my collected reviews. It includes all the reviews I wrote for WTHR from May '06 to April '08. Also included are some thoughts on my critical biases and philosophy on film ratings. I'd very much appreciate any of your thoughts. :-)


Jane Louise Boursaw said...

David - This is great! I'll take a better look when I'm less burnt - in the middle of the Traverse City Film Festival here (ends tomorrow night).

David Swindle said...

Thanks for your support Jane!

Black Sheep said...

David, this anthology is staggering. It makes me want to put one of my own together. Maybe for a five year anniversary. I look forward to getting into it. Good job!

David Swindle said...

Thanks Black Sheep! I'd be very interested to hear any of your thoughts on it.

I've started the second volume which begins where this one stops. I decided the good splitting point was when I began my WTHR film blog.