Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jane's "Clone Wars" Review

David - Sounds like we're on the same train of thought with "Clone Wars."

My review at Film Gecko



David Swindle said...

Jane I read your review and was a bit curious by the rating you gave it. Three and a half geckos? That seems like a good rating for a film that you didn't seem overly enthralled by. I don't know your rating system like you do but it feels more like a Two Gecko. Any thoughts?

I'm also going to have to challenge you on the animation. I wouldn't describe the animation as "good." I thought it was lousy. Your comparison to World of Warcraft was appropriate since before and during the film it reminded me of a cut scene in a Star Wars video game, not the kind of breathtaking computer animation that's now the industry standard.

Jane Louise Boursaw said...

David - It certainly wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but I still thought it was entertaining. I only looked at my watch once or twice. I think having my son w/me factored into it, too, because he really liked it, so that probably swayed my rating a bit - thinking that kids would probably like it more than adults.