B-. Mainly a film for political science majors like myself.
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So I've been taking a break from film reviewing and responding to reviews posted here. It's nice to come back refreshed and have something interesting to read.
I like how you explain that a person's life has many components and that a good biopic emphasizes the important parts instead of trying to throw in a little of everything. It definitely justifies the grade you give it.
There's one thing I wonder about biopic films in general: when they're released in relation to the person's life. I find it interesting that this movie was released in the last few months of the Bush term, because I tend to notice historical films that are released far later than the actual events. Do you think it would make a difference whether W. is released five, ten, or even twenty years from now instead of this year? Do you see any advantage of releasing W. this year in 2008? I just wonder if one's fresh memories and opinions about Bush at this moment would have a factor in one's opinion of the movie. (Note: I'm not talking your review, which is good, but a non-critic's opinion in general.)
I think the critical factor isn't necessarily the release but the making. As time passes we'll come to understand Bush differently. History might judge him with affection or condemnation. I suspect much of it will hinge on the fate of Iraq. If the country all of sudden becomes flowers and sunshine he might be remembered as a great president. But I wouldn't bet on that.
I see no advantage to making a film so soon as Stone did. I really only see disadvantages.
The only possible advantage appears to be a possible attempt by Stone to make something of a political comment -- hence the release just before the election. I don't think the film will have much an impact on the election, though. Maybe if it were a much better film it might and said something more interesting. But that's not the film we've got.
I agree. It does appear the quality of the film itself is key.
Regarding a political motive given its release before November 4th, it's possible. It reminds me of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 because it was clearly intended to not reelect Bush, though it didn't turn out that way. However, Bush is leaving office for sure. If Stone had a political motive for W., it definitely wouldn't be related to Bush. Maybe McCain and the Republicans, but if he wanted that, he'd be doing a McCain biopic, not a Bush biopic.
So now I'm still wondering the point of the release date. I agree that it appears there's no extra advantage.
I'm not sure Stone is really wanting to influence the election the way Michael Moore was. I mean in one sense it reminds people of Bush and how McCain has basically been in lock step with the majority of his agenda. Stone is definitely a leftist but he isn't in the sense that Moore is. He's a bit more sophisticated and intelligent and more of an artist.
It's probably a good release date since politics is very much on people's minds in the same sense that one releases horror movies around Halloween.
Maybe that's what it is, then. Just a matter of the content matching the occasion.
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